Kace, baby Judah, and the amazing bed Kace's talented husband Dave MADE for her while she was on a trip, in a weekend. I'm so impressed. Pottery Barn look out!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
This is my friend Kace's house. She and her sweet husband and new baby Judah live in a house built somewhere in the early 1900's I think. Kace and her sisters and mom have amazing taste and can put together colors in an enviable way. I know my pictures won't do their homes justice, but I wanted to try. She has used teal and tan in a lot of her decorating. I was able to help her do this Ralph Lauren stencil in a silver pearl over the tan. It is breath taking in person.
I have known Kace since before she was born. Her dad was my youngest daughter's first youth leader and we've all been friends ever since.
All the girls in this family are like the girls in my family. We call ourselves the "Cold Mountain Girls" because we will do whatever we need to to get the job done. We are survivors and thrivers.
I have had the blessing of having most of the girls and some of the guys in this family work with us during our Christmas season. There are 10 kids total. We probably couldn't do our business with out them. Their creativity runs deep. They are a blessing to our lives.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Oh my goodness, precious darlings. We call them the cousins. Peyton Grace lives to spend time with them. They are each one amazing in their own right and so sweet with her. My oldest granddaughter Gabrielle is who I want to be when I grow up, confident, fun, beautiful. My youngest grandson Zach is an artist of the first kind and a scientist and one of the smartest kids I know, and funny, he makes me laugh. My oldest grandson Jake is going to be a man among men. He has a true heart for God. He steals my heart every time I look at him. You know that first born, they are tied to you by the heart. Then of course there is my sweet Peyton Grace that lights up my life every weekend, thanks to the generosity of my daughter. She is probably the sweetest child I've ever known, and teaches me things all the time. As you can see there is absolutely no prejudice here whatsoever. These guys are all my people, and I'm so lucky to go through life with them.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
These are some little things I made/painted for a dear friend expecting a little boy. Hope she likes them. They were fun to do. Fabric is from Hobby Lobby, one of my favorite fabric stops.
I head to a small mission deep into Mexico outside of the city of Vallez. I'm excited!! My friend Nancy and I are on our 3rd trip to this mission to teach the young women how to sew. I will take lots of pictures to show you the women's eager faces as we teach. There are always a bunch of new babies and lots of children playing quietly around. We love going there. This year Nancy is teaching quilting and I will back her up (ha,ha). I will do some of the little accessories that are in the pattern, lots of little lambie things.
We stay and travel with our dear friends Mary and Gilberto. They have the heart of Christ and it is always good to be with them. If you guys could pray for us while we're gone. I would appreciate it, especially for safety, health and pure fun!! I'll be back on the 11th.
Monday, February 1, 2010
I'm back, no not the gingerbread man, but Susan, the anti-blogger. A sweet friend encouraged me to post some pictures of my valentine decorations, you know who you are!! and you may be sorry!! Please be patient with me as I try to relearn the blog world. I needed to back up a little first and show you some cutie "homemades" from Christmas.
I made this cutie to be part of my annual Christmas card. Just couldn't pull it together with the little girl I usually use, who has become a little shy. So those of you who read this, my apologies, here is one half a card. If I start the other half in June, maybe I'll get them to you be next year.
Our little sweet angel with her little sweet angel "Mia". I made the big girl dress from a pattern and the little girl dress off of the big one. Peyton Grace was thrilled. She still loves her American girl dolls and we try to do twin dressing for church on Sundays. The sweet thing is, her cousin Gabrielle at 16 will still play dolls with her when they are together. That is the supreme act of love for a teenager, let me tell you. I will try to hold down the grandchildren pictures, try being the operative word.
This is my own version of the quite expensive Ballard Design table cloth I craved around T'Giv. I tried to figure it into my budget, nope, not fitting; so took the "I am cheap labor " route, and made it for soooo much less. Little cute Margaret Furlong angels, always right for any holiday, and a sweet porcelaintablet Gretchen gave me round out the Valentine table look. I am loving all colors against the brown burlap.