Monday, April 18, 2011

Theirs and Ours

We used all the recommended ingredients. I figured even if it went badly, we could eat the ingredients later. We had a lot of salad left over.
Our project. Really a labor of love.

This is what our eggs were supposed to look like. NOT! Peyton Grace said when she looked at the cover again "They mock us!" I thought that was so funny. We had a great time doing the eggs. Did they look even remotely like theirs, not even a little. Sometimes the fun is just in the doing, not in the finished product.


Nicole said...

Well, at least you had fun and that is much more important than a perfect result ;). Tomorrow, we'll paint some eggs I think.

Happy Easter!

Nicole said...

I'm always reminding myself that it's supposed to be an inspiration :) You made memories, that's much more important. Happy Easter to you and your family!