Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One of PG's favorite things to do, cleaning out hooves. I know! That's a little strange! But all the little girls can hardly wait to do it, that and scooping poop! I know! It's all a little strange. But they all love it so it must be normal in little girl horse world.

Wonderful playtime at the creek. They found crawdads, baby salamanders, polly wogs and many other creatures, plus it is such a great venue for a child's imagination. Many wonderful princesses and knights have been created at this creek.

This is our friend Carolyn and new friend Mallory deep in conversation. Carolyn runs "From the Ground Up" horse camp and lessons. It is the best camp I've ever seen. All morning there are horses, horses, some crafts, followed by lunch and a huge playtime in the creek. Afternoon is more riding, crafts, laughter and fun. It is a childs dream come true and we are lucky to have found it.

horse camp 2010

First day back at horse camp 2010!! Many pictures to follow. Nothing like the sweet bond between girl and horse. Love this quality time that we get to spend with Carolyn and her horses. This is 'Dutchess' Isn't she just soooo beautiful!-